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Tanida, Mami

Kanazawa College of Art, Graduate School of Arts and Crafts, Department of Ceramics
1987年Born in Nagano Prefecture
2011年Mami Tanida Exhibition “-Ceramic Dancers-” Galleria Ceramica, Tokyo
2012年"J_ART 2nd NY Exhibition" WAH Center, New York
2013年Completed the Department of Ceramics, Graduate School of Arts and Crafts, Kanazawa College of Art.
Mami Tanida
Mami Tanida | I'm Japanese 2012 750×700×700mm Ceramic
I'm Japanese 2012 750×700×700mm Ceramic
Author's comment

When the expression of the soil and the life force of people are combined,
I created it thinking that I might be able to create something powerful.

Judge's review

By repeatedly twisting the clay and drawing on the dry clay, the resulting collection is completed with flame in the oven. A painting no longer speaks as an iconography, and earth no longer serves as a container for storing water. The work that was carried on joyfully and silently is left behind in a dynamic manner. I think he succeeds in bringing out the power of the material without worrying about the limitations of craftsmanship at all. (Tomio Koyama)