

shu uemura Prize

Kohno, Lisa(Tokyo University of the Arts)

Kohno, Lisa " Silent paradise in forest"    photo by Ken Kato

"Silent paradise in forest"

Kohno, Lisa "The heavens and peace of mind's humidity 100%"    photo by Ken Kato

"The heavens and peace of mind's humidity 100%"

photo by Ken Kato

About shu uemura prize
—the art of beauty— Following Mr. Shu Uemura's philosophy, the brand continues to build the connection between art and beauty. The shu uemura ART AWARD establishes a commitment to discover and support young talented artists. The winner will be given an opportunity to collaborate with shu uemura and exhibit their art to an international audience.

Artist's Comment
In my art, I do my best to try to maintain my own sense of aesthetics and refinement, and indeed sometimes when I'm drawing I feel as if I'm "putting on makeup." Therefore I'm extremely happy and honored to have been selected for the wonderful shu uemura Prize, and I will do my best to make each and every one of my future paintings special.

Judges' Comments

Kakuyasu Uchiide
(shu uemura international artistic director)
Colorful painting with a delicate gradation creates magical and feminine atmosphere and it recalls the commonality with make-up. Her approach that links to graphical Chinese letters to show her works is very unique, and perfect for shu uemura art award.

Stephan Bezy
(Exective Vice President General Manager Worldwide)
Her delicate and subtle color gradation, her mystic and beautiful concept and story create an astonishing artistic world. Her feminine world should appeal to the heart of women around the world.