
Terms of Use

The website:
要造訪東京丸之內藝術獎網頁(以下簡稱“網站”,指地址位於 www.artawardtokyo.jp 網域中的網站),請記住以下適用於所有使用者的要求和通知。
The exemption:
儘管東京丸之內藝術獎(以下簡稱“AATM”)非常謹慎地關注網站中提供的信息,但他們不保證信息的完整性、準確性、可靠性和有用性以及與用戶目的的相關性。均不保證本網站不存在功能中斷、錯誤、偏差、電腦病毒或其他引入本網站或網路伺服器的有害程式碼。AATM 對因使用本網站而造成的麻煩、損害或損失不承擔任何責任或網站中的資訊。本網站如有更改網站資訊或網站運作中斷/中斷的情況,恕不另行通知。AATM 對因中斷/中斷而造成的任何損害不承擔任何責任無論出於何種原因,本網站均不承擔任何責任,也不對與本網站連結的任何網站的內容負責。
The linkage:
有關網站的鏈接,請聯繫AATM,並提供要鏈接的網站的URL、負責人的姓名、地址、聯繫電話。根據鏈接的內容,申請可能不被接受——被鏈接的網站和/或所有者的業務或活動、連結方法或影響AATM 的條件。
The following linkages are not allowed:
--Any site which has the contents against public order and morals --Any site that has illegal contents, and/or was involved in or seems to have made illegal acts --Linkage that obscures the contents of A.A.T.M. website through the frame or in other ways.
The copyright:
The copyrights of the texts, images, illustrations, and data given in the website belong to A.A.T.M., provided that there is no proviso. The secondary usage such as reproduction, diversion, selling reproduction, summarization, alteration, translation, upload, notice, public dispatch, making it transmittable, distribution, and publication is not permitted without the written permission of A.A.T.M., or the copyright holder.
The protection of the privacy rights:
The website may ask users to provide their private information after clearly informing them of the purpose. In such a case, collected private information of users is used only within the bounds of the stated purpose, and basically not shown to any third person without the permission of the users, except that there is the enforcement of the law.
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