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Inoue, Yasuko

Kyoto University of Art and Design, Graduate School of Art, Department of Art Expression
1987年 Born in Osaka Prefecture
2012年 Completed the Department of Artistic Expression, Graduate School of Art, Kyoto University of Art and Design
Yasuko Inoue
by #1 stranger 2011 1520×2000×38mm panel, cotton cloth, dye by #3 weekenders 2012 1520×2500×38mm panel, cotton cloth, dye
by #1 stranger 2011 1520×2000×38mm panel, cotton cloth, dye
by #3 weekenders 2012 1520×2500×38mm panel, cotton cloth, dye
Author's comment

A slightly off-kilter daily life that emerges through ``breakdown'' and ``balance.''
It is certainly close to us, as a gateway to strange highs.

Judge's review

Utilizing the craft technique of dyeing, he created beautiful works that fit within the context of contemporary art. I strongly feel that this work has the potential to break through the limits of conventional painting and photographic expression. The motif is everyday life, and I'm looking forward to seeing how it develops in the future. (Shigeo Goto)