Updated 2024/10/3
Job type | Smartwatch store operations (full-time employee/contract employee), Smartwatch sales (part-time job) |
condition | [Full-time employee/contract employee] Working Time Zone 9:30-21:00, shift system, Experience preferred 【part-time job】 Working Time Zone 9:30-21:00, shift system, available to work 4 hours or more per day, 2 days or more per week, High school students not allowed, university students allowed, housewives welcome, part-timers welcome, middle-aged and elderly welcome, experienced applicants preferred, no experience required |
Treatment | [Full-time employee/contract employee] Monthly salary: 250,000 to 350,000 yen Salary increases, bonuses, full social insurance, in-house discounts, full transportation costs covered 【part-time job】 Hourly wage: 1,200 to 1,500 yen Promotion to full-time employees, salary increases, full social insurance, in-house discounts, full transportation costs covered |
Application method | [Full-time employee/contract employee] Please apply by attaching your resume and work history to the email address below. Mail: RCatFujimino@garmin.com 【part-time job】 Please contact us at the email address. Mail: GJStore.Saiyo@garmin.com |
contact address | 049-273-6391 Person in charge: Sato |