審査員コメント(一次審査を終えて)/Comments from Judges on Artwork Submitted to the Initial Screening

今村 有策 Yusaku Imamura
名古屋芸術大学 特別客員教授
Nagoya University of the Arts Special Visiting Professor


When I observe young artists’ art pieces, I try to analyze their sincere feelings within them rather than how “good” their art pieces may be. I believe that one’s personality and characteristic is shown through those sincere feelings, but I also believe that it may be challenging to actually show those feelings through their artwork. AATM is for artists to show those feelings and support them despite how challenging it may be. I am looking forward for the young artists’ future success.

木村 絵理子 Eriko Kimura
横浜美術館 主任学芸員
Chief Curator, Yokohama Museum


I believe it is very important to find your own style and passion, but at the same time I also believe that spreading your antenna to different ranges of expressions is vital to becoming an artist with more future ahead. Submitting your artwork to a challenging exhibition like AATM will become a valuable experience for you so I am looking forward for this exhibition to become a place where artists can develop and grow with their art.

後藤 繁雄 Shigeo Goto
編集者、クリエイティブディレクター、京都造形芸術大学 教授
Editor, Creative Director, Professor,
Kyoto University of Art and Design


The most important idea of art; that is the first impact or impression, and its continuity. Something as eccentric as the distortion of space and time is necessary in your passion. Ask yourself once again if your art piece has that passion. It is not the small details of your hands nor the calculation within your piece, rather, now is the time to face the narrow line of failure.

小山 登美夫 Tomio Koyama
小山登美夫ギャラリー代表、明治大学国際日本学部 特任准教授
Director, Tomio Koyama Gallery, and
Associate Professor,
School of global Japanese Studies, Meiji University


This year, there were young artists who took both dynamic approaches towards their art as well as artists who took introspective/academic approaches. It was very interesting to see those art pieces intersect in ways that I would have never imagined and seeing the artists’ view of the realistic world caught my attention.

高橋 明也 Akiya Takahashi
三菱一号館美術館 館長
Director, Mitsubishi Ichigokan Museum, Tokyo


Compared to last year, I felt as though there was not as much hype and passion, but at the same time I also felt the never changing passion from the young artists through their search for new elements and expressions within their art pieces. I sincerely hope AATM becomes more recognized throughout Japan and more artists use this wonderful opportunity as a step for their future.

建畠 晢 Akira Tatehata
多摩美術大学 学長、埼玉県立近代美術館 館長
President, Tama Art University, and Director,
The Museum of Modern Art, Saitama


What is so interesting with AATM is how I can interact and feel first hand how the younger generations feel about the world today and feel their sensitivity and perspective from their art pieces. This year, many artists went beyond the existing structure of the world and expressed unique ideas within their creative mind.

野口 玲一 Reiichi Noguchi
三菱一号館美術館 学芸グループ長
Chief Curator, Mitsubishi Ichigokan Museum, Tokyo


Versatility and diversity is highly respected in art, but in our generation today, it is difficult to find the “right” way to see things. The art pieces that are gathered in this exhibition are those that are cutting-edge with their expressions and it is always hard to choose which art pieces to show in AATM. It feels as if I am in a boundless expanse of water, but when I come across art pieces that strike me, it is times like this that reminds me of the joy and delight in screening the art pieces.